Thursday, June 11, 2009

Chestacles Ink

I LOVE this drawing of Chestacles by his creator  Jim Smith! Since I've been practicing inking on the Wacom, I thought I'd take a stab at inking this awesome drawing. Mistakes were made, but I'm learning as I go along, and with great drawings like this, it's also fun!


Anonymous said...

That there's a powerful impressive ink.

Say, whaddya think of this little piece I did?

Check it?

Anonymous said...

For that drawing, I used Photoshop. I just kept adding layers to darken and lighten the skin textures and such.

Jimbo said...

Not bad at all Arf, try another one - maybe we could talk about inking the comic book. I am now finishing the first issue and if it goes over there will be a series of books and hopefully a TV show. Just curious - do you have to pass the word verification test to comment on my blog? I'm not sure I understand the purpose of it. Thanks for the comments and the inking.

Unknown said...

Hey Jim! Glad you liked the inking! I'll work up another one!

The purpose of having word verification is so that no one can leave spam comments (sort of like junk mail) on your blog. The guys that do this use bot programs that automatically leave comments, kind of like those telemarketers that randomly call your house. The programs cant read the word verification so they cant leave you junk comments.

Anonymous said...

These are some sketches for my header design. Whaddya think?

Anonymous said...

Thx for the comment, but I don't have any software or pens to ink this design with.

Vincent Waller said...

I was about to say good work and make some suggestions about interpreting the penciler's intentions as to which line to execute as rendered and which one modify, but you have The Man himself giving you notes. So ill sit down and quietly watch. Keep up the good work.

Cod's ma <- word verification

Unknown said...

Thanks, Vincent. I accept any and all suggestions from masters like you and Jim, so please feel free.

P.S. P&B soon!